Memory as Life

From the unknown to known, I get to know the “You”
From the known, I fight for the you, I take flight with the you, making the you, an image of the You within me, making the me

I fight for the You to keep our memories alive, my memories alive
I come back again and again and again from the unknown to the known to make one more memory of you, with the you, for another dance with the you, a dance of me and you through me

Like a bee that searches for honey, I search for memories with the you, to make memories with you
Memories so sweet, sweeter than the sweetest nectar
Just like a bee that builds a hive to store all its honey
I build walls around my memories to store the memories of the you

In the memory I live, for the memory I am alive
In the memory I think, for the memory I drink
In the memory I blink, for the memory I ink
For another memory, I link

My mind loaded with so many memories of the you and the me, I go on creating more memories of me and you, to hold you, to feel you, to get to know you, so I can hold on to the memory of the you.

The harder I try to hold on to you, the smoother you slip through
The slower I lift you towards me, the faster you slip through
Only to show me that I too one day have to slip through my own fingers, through my own memories back into the ocean, to the unknown

Just like the water is no water to the ocean and the ocean is no ocean to water
For the memory has no memory to itself, to hold on to itself

So will I live in my memories making memories from memories, will I live in my memory of my memories?
I wonder…..
I wonder of life with no memory of life.


6 thoughts on “Memory as Life

  1. Wow!

    Sometimes we are in a no-win situation because of our memories in life.

    Thanks for giving me a visual of powerlessness.

    I seen your blog over at Nikki’s weekend block party.



  2. When I saw this post on memory, I immediately clicked. I spend a lot of time with people that have dementia. Trust me when I say memory is a commodity some people wish they still had. I use reminiscence to help these folks recapture their memories. Typically, we find the ones they enjoy recalling. I use prompts and such, which make them smile and laugh. You could almost forget they have cognitive difficulties when you hear them come back to themselves.


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